(07) 3186 6666

Tax and Superannuation

Tax and Superannuation

Two things in life are certain: death and taxes.

There is not much we can do about the former, but with a little forethought and planning, there is a lot we can do about taxes. As experienced commercial lawyers P.M. Lee & Co. Lawyers, know that every transaction, arrangement, or document is likely to have tax consequences.

We review every transaction to assess the potential application of Income-tax, Capital gains tax, Goods and services tax, and Stamp duty.


What we do

We can structure transactions to reduce the incidence of taxes. Sometimes a proposal can be restructured to change what would be assessable income into tax-free or concessional taxed Capital Gains.
For example, in the sale of a business, concessions for redundancy, superannuation, rollovers, or small business tax concessions provide fruitful grounds to reduce tax incidence. For our country clients, concessions exist in both tax and stamp duty for the transfer of farms and business assets. We often advise on Family Estate Planning matters, using trusts, testamentary trusts, companies and other structures to utilise these concessions while keeping family assets free from potential claims and liabilities.

Our services include:

  • Family Discretionary Trusts
  • Child Maintenance Trusts
  • Unit trusts
  • Hybrid structures
  • Division 7A loan agreements
  • Business licensing agreements
  • Self-Managed Super Funds

Usually, the most effective planning to reduce taxes in the future is done before an asset or business is purchased. We will consider your long term objectives, survey the possible tax outcomes, and suggest the most tax-effective structures to achieve your objectives while keeping taxes to a minimum.

We accept referrals from many accountants, advisors, and direct clients on a wide range of taxation issues.