High Court Ruling on Casual Employees
The High Court has provided welcomed clarity on the definition of “casual employees” and their entitlements under the Fair Works Act 2009 (Cth). *The name of...
High Court Opens Door to COVID Insurance Claims
Australia’s highest court has found against claims by insurance companies that business interruption and loss of profits insurance claims, arising from the...
Making a will or left out of one? Important considerations on family provision claims in Queensland
A will provides your executor with directions on how to distribute everything you have saved in life, collectively called your estate. Through years of work and prudence, your estate may well be worth over a million dollars, especially if you own land. It comes as a surprise to many though that a court can overrule a person’s testamentary wishes, even if recorded clearly in writing in a will.
Receiver appointed, medical practice sold, and new tenant secured
In February 2021 P.M Lee & Co Lawyers successfully completed a complex instruction involving the appointment of a receiver to a medical practice, the sale of the business and the securing of a new tenant for the premises.
This is the second instalment in our series on how the Coronavirus outbreak can infect your business and contracts.
We Welcome a New Lawyer
PM Lee & Co Welcomes New Lawyer! The team at PM Lee & Co Solicitors is excited to announce the addition of an experienced Litigation Lawyer: Simon Watson
The effect of the Coronavirus on contracts
This is the second instalment in our series on how the Coronavirus outbreak can infect your business and contracts.
We have seen an unprecedented stop of all business activities; BUT where does that leave your contracts and legal relations. We have already assisted many clients to bring an end to contracts for real estate transactions, business purchases and many more.